Does God wear a bow tie or have curly hair? Maybe God is your favorite color or an empty city block at sunrise. Is God something physical, an idea, a person, or a place? For years these questions have fascinated me and have made me wonder what exactly God or a higher power looks like in the imagination of any given person. There are over 4,200 religions in the world and almost 8 billion people, what God could look like is limitless!
Does God Wear A Bow Tie is meant as a way for people with different beliefs or religious affiliations to peacefully share the image they associate with their God or higher power to others while seeing how alike or different those images may be across religious lines.
No matter your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation, your God matters and we here at Does God Wear a Bow Tie want to see it! Questioners and non-believers also welcome!