A Change Is Gonna Come

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, the day we United States citizens celebrate our country gaining its independence. 


Typically by this point, most of us (myself usually included) would be gearing up for backyard barbecues and pool parties while laying out our most patriotic (e.g. red, white, and blue) outfit and figuring out the optimal spot for fireworks viewing.

But celebrating our country this year feels wrong. Not only is it incredibly irresponsible to even think about having or attending a party and most fireworks displays are (or should be) cancelled, this year has put a huge spotlight on the inadequacies of the country we call home. 

Six plus months into 2020 we’ve experienced a global pandemic that is only getting worse in the U.S. due to the complete lack of empathy and leadership coming from our government and a powerful civil rights movement sparked by the murder of innocent Black people at the hands of law enforcement, not to mention the thousands of immigrant children still currently separated from their families and locked up in detention camps along the southern border.  So maybe celebrating the birth of our nation at a time when so many of its citizens are being treated like trash isn’t the play. 


Now, I’m well aware that there are people who will call me a list of names, or threaten me, or not hire me because I do not support our current government and I promise you, I DO NOT CARE. If you support a government who backs a racist, misogynistic, bigoted president, I don’t want you on my team. Period. 

So, instead of spending this weekend celebrating a country that currently doesn’t serve or even seem to care about the majority of its people, think about doing some research and soul searching. Learn about the Black Lives Matter movement, systemic racism, and white privilege and support Black owned businesses. Buy/wear face masks and learn just how much wearing one could help to stop the spread of COVID and save the lives of those around you. Call, email, and reach out on social media to your Senators and tell them how badly we need a monthly stimulus during this pandemic to allow everyone to stay home and not worry about choosing between their health and their bills. Sign petitions, register to vote, call your representatives and demand the immigrant detention centers shut down and the children reunited with their families, and raise a fuss online demanding justice for Breonna Taylor, Vanessa Guillen, and the numerous missing and murdered indigenous women who the media tries to forget about.


The United States really can be great, but it won’t be until we the people truly band together to look out for one another. It shouldn’t be neighbor vs neighbor, it should be the American people vs those in power trying to turn us against one another in order to keep control. This is the start of a revolution, change is in the air, and maybe that is the thing worth celebrating this year. 

In 1776, a group of slave-owning white men were the ones to say that all men are created equal and all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I’d bet a million dollars they never meant for it to apply to Black people, immigrants, women, LGBTQ members, or any other oppressed minority that would populate the United States but too late! No take backs!