Leap Year 2020

7 ways to Take Advantage of an Extra Day


They say we’ve got the same 24 hours in a day that Beyoncé has but girl, I don’t have her kind of money so I could use an extra day. I mean, who doesn’t have a million things they need or want to do or new things they want to try that can’t always be squeezed into the 365 days we get in a year because of other responsibilities or unexpected events? Well good news….

It’s a leap year, ya’ll! 

That means you’ve got an extra 24 hours to do whatever you want. That’s right, we’re getting a day with zero expectations and this time around February 29th even falls on a Saturday making the list of things you can do practically limitless. But if you’re not sure how to take advantage of the extra day, let me help you out with a list of 7 ways you can spend this leap year.

Call Off

  • Yeah, I know I said leap day is on a Saturday this year but not everyone has the luxury of working that 9-5 Monday through Friday life. So if you’re able to, call off work on leap day and have the chance to actually enjoy the extra day. 


Write Yourself A Letter

  • Leap day only comes every 4 years, right? So write yourself a letter to open on the next leap day in 2024 and see how you’ve grown and what goals you’ve been able to accomplish. You can even do it online at FutureMe and have it sent to your email!

Call or hang out with a friend you haven’t talked to/seen in a while

  • We all get busy. It happens. So why not use the extra day on the calendar to call or hang out with a friend you haven’t seen in a while? There’s plenty of time left before the big day to pencil each other in.



  • According to Irish folklore, the Leap Year was the one and only time women who were tired of waiting around to get married could propose to their boyfriends and nobody thought it was weird. They even made a whole movie about it! Of course it’s 2020 and women can propose to any damn person they want whenever they want but man, how cool would it be to propose to your significant other on leap day? If your relationship is ready for the next level, spend the extra day making it extra special for the person you want to spend the rest of your life with!

Do or Try Something New or Different

  • This is a day we don’t normally get, right? So why not use it to try or do something you don’t normally do. Take a class, learn how to do origami, go skydiving, try ballroom dancing, eat something you’ve never had the chance to. Use this extra day to branch out from the norm.

Celebrate Black History Month

  • This year we get a whole extra day to celebrate Black History Month so do it in style. Go to a concert featuring black musicians, go to the museum and learn about black artists, or head to the local book store and buy a few books by black authors. Don’t let this month go by without honoring the black community and spend some time figuring out ways to keep it up the other 365 days of the year.


  • Why not use the extra day for a little vacation? Plan a weekend getaway with some friends or your significant other and come back March 1st feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the calendar…at least for a couple of months. 

Once, every four years, we are given a day with no expectations, no commitments, nothing but an extra date on the calendar. What you choose to do with it is up to you, whether it’s exploring new places or catching up on some much needed sleep. No matter your leap day activity, I hope it’s able to hold you over until the next one, cause you’ve got a while to wait.

What plans are you making for this leap day? Do you have any leap year traditions you like to take part in or are there any you’d like to start this time around? Are you someone with a leap year birthday and if so…what’s your leap year age? Let us know in the comments below!