Election Night

7 Ways to Spend the Night that Don’t Involve Obsessively Checking the Results


If you are anything like me, and according to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association 68% of you are, this election has got you STRESSED. Between worrying about the end of the world, fighting for basic human rights, figuring out voting plans and mail-in ballots…we’ve all been dealing with a lot. 

But as November 3rd creeps closer, we’re adding a new stress to our plates: election results.

Yep, all these months of phone banking, policy research, and fighting with your conservative family members online will be decided in one night (yes, I do know that mail-in ballots will likely be counted through the end of the week and we won’t have a final answer right away…I’m going for the drama of it!) Typically, I would spend election night bouncing around news channels and websites seeing how the votes are shaking out but this year, I just don’t think my anxiety can take it.


Since we can’t go out anywhere as a distraction this year, I’ve been trying to figure out ways to spend the night so I won’t be left looking like Charlie here.

That’s why I asked my Instagram followers (you should click here to become one too) if they had any tips on what to do on election night instead of obsessively checking the latest numbers. I got a few good ones and more than a couple of people asking for me to share suggestions so I decided to put a list together of their suggestions and my own ideas in the hopes that we can all spend election night a little less crazed. 

7 Ways to Spend Election Night That Don’t Involve Obsessively Checking the Results

Put Your Phone and Computer on Airplane Mode

- If you’ll just be home all night (which, unless you’re working you shouldn’t really be anywhere else #pandemiclyfe) and don’t expect any important texts or calls coming in, the first and best thing you’ve gotta do is put your phone and your computer on to airplane mode. Obviously you can just turn airplane mode off whenever you want but I feel like if you’re serious enough about not driving yourself mad worrying about the election outcome, you can turn them off until morning. 

Catch Up On Your Shows

- What better way to drown out the world than by catching up on your shows? Don’t feel like diving into something new and just want a little comfort instead? That works too! Watch your favorite episodes of The Office, get all those pent up emotions out with a This Is Us cry fest, or throw on one of the hundreds of Hallmark or Lifetime holiday rom-coms that are taking over a tv near you. It’s easy to forget the real world when you’re wondering if the uptight executive will learn to relax and enjoy the holidays with help from the local Christmas tree vendor…(spoiler….they usually do.)

Do Something Messy

- It’s hard as hell to check your phone, turn on your computer, or change the channel when your hands are covered in flour, paint, or dirt! Election night is the perfect night to get a jump on your holiday baking, repot any house plants that have outgrown their current home, or crafting with paints/glue/yarn. Still feeling the Halloween spirit? Pick up some leftover pumpkins and get to carving. Anything that’ll keep your mind and your hands busy is an A+ way to avoid checking the news. 

Zoom or Skype with Friends

- Another great way to keep yourself distracted is to set up a video chat with some friends who are also trying to avoid obsessing over the election. Play games (AirConsole has been the go-to for my Zooms in the past,) catch up with each other’s lives, or watch a movie. It might be short notice but send out a text tonight and see who’s down to ignore the election together.

Organize Your Pantry/Closet/Bookshelf

- I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been ignoring a lot of the general upkeep around the house. Sure, I’m doing dishes, the laundry, and taking out the trash, but a lot of things look like how my mind feels: unorganized. Pick a bookshelf, a closet, or your pantry and do an overhaul. Pull everything out, divide into sections, figure out what’s going, what’s staying, what can be donated, and spend the night putting a little order back into your life. 

Spa Night and Early to Bed

- Who isn’t feeling a little tense? Maybe the best way to get through election night is by pouring a glass of wine or tea (for my non-drinking pals,) do a skin routine, an at home mani & pedi, deep condition your hair, and turn in early for the night. Those results will be there in the morning and after a little physical self-care and a good night’s sleep…you’ll probably be in a lot better headspace to handle whatever the outcome. 

Games and Puzzles

- There’s no harm in just having some fun. Spend the evening putting together a puzzle or playing some board or card games with the people in your home. Sharing some laughs on a night that is hyped to be a changing point in our history will do the soul way better than worrying about what the future will be. 


This year’s election is the wildest election of my lifetime so far. It has many of us filled with fear, worry, anxiety, and a bit of hope. But once the ballots are being counted, there’s nothing more we can do. Agonizing over every new result will only lead to a sleepless night. So instead, before we know what the next four years will bring, take a moment to relax, breathe, and rest up. The results will be there in the morning. 

Do you have a plan for election night? Will you be tuning into the results live or keeping yourself busy with an activity off this list? Have anything you’d like to add to the list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!