More and Less

Becoming less Boring and Lazy in 2020

Say what you will about New Year’s resolutions or setting potentially unrealistic goals just because it’s the start of a new year, but sometimes it’s just nice to have the illusion of trying to change your life for the better.


Every year I typically write out a list of goals on a board and hang it up where I have to see it for the next 12 months. And you know what? It never works. I rarely fulfill the goals I’ve set, hell I’m lucky to maybe knock off one or two. It’s like my goals are a to-do list where you put things on that you’ve already done or are almost done just so you can cross them off and seem accomplished.

But this year? I’m making every attempt to set goals that are achievable and also, more importantly, put in the actual work to reach them. 

My husband found this article from ManMadeDIY covering a different technique to give the goals and resolutions you set for 2020 a fighting chance to last past March. It’s all about give and take. Doing less of one thing (usually something unproductive or unhealthy or really whatever you just want less of in your life) so you can have the time to do more of something else (usually something “better” for you.)

So with this in mind, I’ve put together my own “Do More Do Less” list for 2020 in the hopes of following through for the first time ever:

Do Less

  • Mindlessly playing on my phone

  • Spending needlessly

  • Screen time

  • Sitting for too long

  • Keeping of things I don’t use/want/need

Do More

  • Writing

  • Paying off of debt

  • Reading

  • Things that get me moving and more active

  • Consistent cleaning


There you have them, simple and vague goals or changes of habit that will hopefully make sticking to them foolproof. I’m not striving for perfection here, just to be a little less boring and lazy of a person by the end of 2020. 

Okay, it’s your turn! Do you set goals or resolutions for the new year or think it’s all bullshit? What are you hoping to do more or less of this year? Share your lists in the comments below!