The Lazy Witch

5 Simple Spells and Rituals to Celebrate Samhain

Listen, I am no expert when it comes to spells, rituals, or any divination so do your own research before performing any of the spells or rituals included in this post. These spells and rituals are only meant as positive and fun activities to celebrate Samhain and the full moon and don’t include anything that pushes toward the darker side of magic. Still, perform at your own risk!

When I was in middle school I wanted nothing more than to be a witch. 

Even though a lot of Hollywood portrayals of witches put them in a negative or evil light, thanks Old Testament, I loved their entire vibe. The mostly black wardrobe, the don’t give a fuck attitude, their ability to perform magic to get what they wanted…witches represented everything a pubescent, budding feminist could hope to be.


A couple of books and more than a few failed attempts at practicing spells later and I realized…I was too damn lazy to be a witch. Focusing on their connection to nature, energies, and the life and death cycle that envelops everything, witches put a lot more time and supplies into their spell casting than I was willing to deal with as a 12 year old.

But at 31, I’m ready to try again. Older, arguably wiser, and more familiar with the way witches harness energies and nature to guide them, I feel better prepared and in the right headspace to attempt spell casting and think ya’ll should join me. 


This year, the full moon happens to fall on the same night as the annual celebration of Samhain, a festival which marked the beginning of the dark half of the year and celebrates loved ones who have passed on, October 31st. Many witches believe the moon holds a powerful influence over us which makes the night of a full moon the perfect time to attempt energy cleansing while Samhain is traditionally believed as the night when the veil is the thinnest. Put the two together and you can’t ask for a much better spell or ritual scenario. 

Since 2020 has put a hard stop to most Halloween night activities, what better way to social distantly celebrate, than by performing some easy spells and rituals? After searching around the internet I’ve found a few that don’t require too much time, effort, or supplies that even the laziest would be witch can perform!

5 Spells and Rituals to Celebrate Samhain

First of all, the full moon can be used to charge all kinds of magical items. If you have them, leave your crystals, tarot/oracle cards, or jar of water out in the full moon light overnight to be infused with the moon’s energy. Use your newly charged items in rituals and spells for the rest of the month.


For this spell you will need:

Paper, pen, candle or bonfire

  • Write out a list of the things you feel the need to release this month. Events, emotions, people, etc. 

  • Read your list aloud to the moon

  • Carefully burn your list using a candle or bonfire

  • Move into the next month with a clear mind and spirit

Dream Ancestor Connection

  • As you go to sleep on Samhain (October 31st) say the name of the person you want to connect with

  • Picture what they look like, talking with them, asking for their advice or guidance on a situation in your life

  • Ask them to meet you in a dream to figure it out together

  • Leave a notepad by your bed in case you wake up in the night and want to write your findings down


Pull A Card 

  • This is a perfect time to focus on what you need from this next lunar cycle or season

  • Ask your tarot or oracle deck what your focus should be for the next month

  • Pull a card* and interpret

*There are a bunch of different tarot spreads you can do specifically for Samhain or the full moon you can check out

Wish Spell

For this spell you’ll need…a glass of juice. 

  • Go outside with a full glass of juice and look up to the moon

  • Tell the moon exactly what you wish for with as much detail as possible

  • Toast the moon with your juice and recite the following:

Mother Goddess, look and see

This goblet that I offer thee

It is yours for all you do

Gracious one of silver hue

  • Pour the juice on the ground and hopefully your wish will be granted


Ancestor Candle Ceremony

For this ritual you will need:

A bunch of black or white tea lights or flameless candles

A heat proof container or a tray of sand to hold the candles

  • Place one candle in the center that all other candles will be lit from

  • Before lighting the main candle, turn off all lights and sit in the darkness

  • Invite the spirits of your loved ones.

  • When you’re ready, light the center candle and recite the words:

We welcome our departed loved ones into this home and honor your presence amongst us.

  • Each person involved in the ritual will remember someone who has passed and light a candle while sharing something about them.

  • Continue until all loved ones have been remembered or all candles have been lit.

  • Allow candles to burn down and give thanks to your loved ones. 

Not too bad right? If you’ve never performed a spell or ritual before, I think this short list is a pretty decent place to start, nothing too difficult or scary. Of course you can always look up more advanced rituals or spells more attuned to your desires but be sure to research what you’re doing thoroughly before tackling anything wild like vengeance or love. You don’t want that shit to go bad and come back on you threefold.

Spells and witches can often be cast in a negative light. But what’s so bad about a group of people, usually women, who know their mind and have ways of getting what they want by working with the universe instead of against it? Any group who can get old white men clutching their pearls and worried enough to want to literally burn that group to the ground seem like heroes to me. 

What’s your take on divination? Do you think it’s fun and cool or a lot of bullshit used to trick gullible people? Why? Are you willing to try your hand at a couple spells this Samhain or would you rather not mess with it? If you’re a practicing witch, what is the biggest misconception you face from others? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!