When I’m Vaccinated…

A List of Things I Can’t Wait To Do Again

I can’t believe that by the end of this month, I’ll be fully vaccinated. Sure, I still plan on doing all the stuff we’re supposed to like masking up, sanitizing, and social distancing when around non-vaccinated or vulnerable people but dammit…I’ll have that sweet sweet science coursing through my veins.

With this new development, I’ve allowed myself to start getting excited. I’ve been thinking and planning things I’d like to do once the vaccination has fully taken over and this week I’d like to share my list with you! Amazingly enough, it’s a pretty simple list. I guess when you can’t do anything for a full year, it really is the little things you miss the most, huh?

Things I Can’t Wait To Do Again After Vaccination

in no particular order




-I have wanted to go bowling for. months. I can’t even remember the last time I went before COVID took over but I know for damn sure as soon as my friend Isaac (of IsaacCrowisTrying….go check him out!) is totally vaccinated too, and makes his bi-monthly pilgrimage to Pittsburgh we getting our bowl on. 

Movie Theaters

- It may sound weird, but I really miss the smell of a movie theater. The stale popcorn, the sugar, the stickiness of, well everything.  I also miss the terrible pre-previews entertainment and the heavy bass of an action movie that always blows out my eardrums. The last time I was in a movie theater was to see the Jumanji sequel in December 2019. Yeah. But I didn’t know that would be my last time…so give me a break! Now that we’re getting closer to being able to head back into a movie theater it seems like a perfect time to start plotting out which film will be the first one to draw us back in after such a long hiatus.

Weekend Breakfasts

- The way I have missed being able to just get up and go out for breakfast on a weekend morning is impossible to articulate. I understand how privileged of a problem that sounds but it doesn’t negate the fact that I just want to go and grab some biscuits and gravy from a cute little breakfast joint whenever the desire arises. The first weekend I can do so safely, my ass is finding a brunch spot. 

All You Can Eat Sushi

Jonathan took this shot at our spot!

Jonathan took this shot at our spot!

- There’s a sushi restaurant in Pittsburgh that does great all you can eat sushi for a reasonable price (for real…it’s good quality, we’ve never gotten sick from it, the place is pretty nice) and all we’ve wanted is to be able to go get our sushi on. Cause sushi is expensive, ya’ll. Ordering a few rolls for dinner can run like $30 a person depending on where and what you get and I just can’t do it. So going to our sushi spot is at the top of the list of things to do once we’re vaccinated. 

Wave Pool

- Public pools aren’t my favorite thing. I love swimming but can’t stand being around so many people, many of which I know ARE PEEING IN THE POOL LIKE MY DISGUSTING FRIENDS. But, I have a soft spot in my heart for the local wave pool and, while it’s unknown if it’ll be open this year, I fully plan on being in line on opening day should they make the call that it’s safe enough. 


- Man. I miss vacations. I miss trips. And while I understand that we’re still not really supposed to be doing any non-essential travel even after vaccination, I can’t help but get excited at the prospect that it’s so close. The number of places I’d like to go are numerous! I’d love to visit my girl Kait in Seattle, I’d like to take a trip to New York, and I’d really love to try and get at tattoo from an artist I love in Salem. Fingers crossed that we get the okay for travel by the summer cause I’ve got a to-do list to check off!


Wear Lipstick

- In the last year I have bought like half a dozen new lipsticks. How many of those lipsticks have I had the chance to wear? Zero. Sure, I tried them on in the house but it’s not the same. So I’m super hyped at the prospect of eventually going maskless some places and getting to dress these lips up again without the worry of it rubbing off on my mask or smearing on my face. 

Casually walk around Target

- When was the last time you just casually walked around Target? Or insert whichever store you like best. The point is, it’s been so long since I just went into Target because. Without an agenda, a get in and get out mindset so as not to be out and around people longer than I have to be. I can’t wait to go into Target and leisurely take my time perusing the aisles, buying more things than I probably should, and taking pictures of all the new ugly Little House on the Prairie dresses I’ve seen on the internet.


If you’re not stacking dice while waiting for your turn, are you really playing D&D?

Game Night

- COVID didn’t bring an end to game nights but it sure made them less fun. We can still Zoom game nights, there are plenty of apps you can share to play things, but you have to worry about connection and a lot of the games aren’t that great. Soto be able to meet up with a group of friends again to play a random game or to get a new D&D campaign going is going to be such a thrill.

We’re not at the finish line of this pandemic yet, but with the vaccinations happening it’s definitely within sight and it stands to reason that we’re all pretty amped to get back to doing the things we love and miss. But just because we’ll be better able to go back to doing some things more often, it doesn’t mean all precautions should be thrown out the window. Masks are still an absolute must. Don’t hang out with non-vaccinated people, especially in close quarters or maskless. Sanitize and wash your hands regularly. And while you wait for your immunization, get to putting your list together!

What makes your list of things you can’t wait to do once you’re vaccinated? Are the simple? More elaborate? Let me know everything you want to do in the comments below!