The Road So Far

Oh hey, I’m back!

I had initially planned on taking a week or two off from posting to chill out, enjoy the holidays, and spend time doing a revamp of the blog. LOLOL, dear reader, things did not go as planned. So this week I’m giving you an update on the road so far into 2021…yep, it’s only been a week. 

Judging from social media, I know I’m not the only who has had a difficult time focusing or doing literally anything during this first week of 2021. Schedule’s are out of whack, terrorists are staging a coup, and stress is high. It stands to reason that every day functioning may be rough right now. 

On a personal level, I can name the issues distracting me from handling daily life, namely that COVID has come to this little house. Yep. We’ve been hit. My mom, an essential worker overnight at a grocery store, contracted COVID likely from someone at work and it passed through to Jonathan and me. My mom tested positive the week before Christmas and despite wearing masks in the house, isolating from my mom, and an initial negative test, Jonathan started having symptoms the day after we got tested and mine came on Christmas day.


My mom and I had fairly mild symptoms: chest tightness, chills, and a fever for her. Cough, fatigue, and headache for me. And the super cool loss of sense of smell and taste for the both of us…hers a week before mine but both still going strong! But my guy Jonathan, he got all the bad shit. A week plus fever, chills, loss of appetite, cough, difficulty breathing, and COVID caused pneumonia that lead him to the hospital for four days starting on New Year’s Eve after his oxygen levels dipped to a scary low level. Not the most ideal way to ring in the new year. 

Though he got out on Monday, Jonathan came home weak and with a bottle of steroids that have had side effects almost as bad as the original cause for his hospital stay. Since his return home, he’s been unable to take stairs yet so we’ve been camped out in the living room which has made getting a restful sleep disastrous for the both of us and the medication makes him lethargic and slightly disoriented. But on a positive note, his oxygen levels are much better, his fever’s been gone almost a week, and his appetite has finally returned. Bright side, ya know?

So, for the last three weeks, our house has been turned upside down all because someone at my mom’s work couldn’t be bothered to do what they’re supposed to do. Wear a mask. Distance. Wash your hands and all surfaces. Stay home unless you have to be at work and DEFINITELY stay home if you’re feeling any kind of illness creeping up. If you thought I was insufferable when it came to calling out the bullshit surrounding COVID deniers before this…you’re probably gonna want to ignore my social media for a while. I’m angry that we’ve done everything we’re supposed to do for the last 10 months and yet my husband’s life was still put on the line. 


It may be a new year but it’s the same bullshit and until we have people in charge who aren’t trying to incite violence and division, who believe in science and can put policies in place that might actually let us travel, eat out, or see friends by the summer if we just do what the fuck we’re supposed to do, it’s just going to be 2020 on repeat. 

How has the new year started for you? Any good news you want to share…cause I could stand to hear some good things that have been happening! Or maybe 2021 has been a big ball of fuckery for you too. Let me know in the comments below!