We Plan, God Laughs

Figuring Out Achievable New Year Goals During A Pandemic

If 2020 taught us anything it’s that the saying “man plans and God laughs” couldn’t hold more true!


This time last year I wrote an article called “More and Less” all about the goals and resolutions I was setting forth for 2020. The basic idea being that you create a list in the hopes of doing more of this good thing and less of the not good thing. I still stand by the opinion that structuring new year’s resolutions this way is way less intimidating and can go a long way towards helping you keep on track with your goals (when a pandemic doesn’t come in and make the world totally topsy turvy, that is.) 

Now, my list from last year kind of went out the window. Here’s a reminder of what I was hoping to accomplish in 2020: 

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Here’s what actually happened: my screen time was WAY UP, I sat around more than anyone probably should, and I played on my phone most hours of the day. But, I also wrote consistently, paid off a couple of debts, and totally cleaned out and renovated several rooms of my house. So it wasn’t all bad.

But here we are, two weeks into 2021 and I’m just now getting around to thinking about the goals I have for this year….give me a break I’ve been dealing with *flails arms around* all of this. Trying to figure out an achievable way to create new year goals while still living in the pandemic feels kind of impossible but this week, I’m going to try my best to put together a list of goals and resolutions for 2021 that SHOULD be easy enough to achieve….even if we’re stuck at home!


  • Procrastinating

  • Soda drinking

  • Sitting all day

  • Staying up way too late


  • Listening to music (old favorites or new stuff)

  • Reading (at least two books a month)

  • Getting paid to write and writing for other publications

  • Cultivating of new hobbies

  • Water Drinking

  • Creating and sticking to a schedule

Time’s are still hard so this year, I’m not going to focus on taking away a million things but rather putting more positive stuff into my life. This year’s list is all about working on things within my control since last year so much was out of it. 

What about you? Have you set up any goals/intentions/resolutions for 2021? Have you revamped the way you think of them after 2020 obliterated so many plans? Let me know all your goals and thoughts in the comments below!