Sleepless In Steel City Part 2

The Update!


Ya’ll may remember a post I did a little over a month ago all about my struggle with INSOMNIA *insert thunder claps and lightning strikes.* If you need a reminder, I’ve left this convenient link for you to catch up.


So basically, the TLDR of it is that I could not stay asleep. I could fall asleep at the beginning of the night just fine but always woke up within 3 hours and had such a hard time falling back to sleep. It was leaving me hella zombie like and made getting through the day kind of impossible. That’s when I turned to you guys! 

I asked for ya’ll’s suggestions on ways to beat my insomnia and today I’m gonna let you know how some of them turned out. *Spoiler Alert* I no longer have insomnia and spent most of the last month sleeping through the night, so let’s see what, if anything, helped!

Disclaimer - I’m no expert, just because something may or may not have worked for me doesn’t mean you’ll get the same result. Be sure to do your own research or ask your doctor before trying any sleep aides! 

Racing Thoughts Notebook

- How many times have you tried to fall asleep only to have your brain want to bring up that argument you had three years ago, what you need to buy from the store, ideas for your mom’s birthday party next year, pretty much anything and everything but the nothingness you need to focus on to fall asleep? There was a suggestion on making a “racing thoughts” notebook to help you dump all the cluttering busy thoughts from your head onto paper which would, in turn, hopefully quiet your head down enough to sleep. My brain being too active wasn’t really a problem for me during this bout of insomnia but I wanted to include this suggestion because I think it could be really useful on those nights when you’re brain just will not shut the fuck up. I’ll definitely be trying it next time I have that kind of night and if you’ve got your own “racing thoughts” notebook, comment below with how it’s helped you! 


- Listening to a podcast or an audiobook was the one suggestion I got that I actually already did with some regularity. See, I only ever listen to podcasts during two different activities: a long road trip or when I’m trying to go to sleep. A podcast knocks me out faster than just about anything. I can’t tell you how many episodes of the horror story podcasts I listen to that I have to go back to 3 or 4 times just so I can hear how they end because I fall asleep within a couple of minutes. While I don’t think listening to podcasts helped cure my insomnia, since I was doing it when the insomnia was in full swing, I do believe they’re a great way to settle down for the night.

Reading Before Bed, Limiting Screen Time


- Reading used to be my favorite thing in the world. I could bust through damn near 80 books a year when I was really on a roll. Then, in 2017 I had my first experience with the 9-5 life and I lost my will to sit contently and read a book because I was either too tired or lacked the energy to do so. It was lame but it was true. Since then, I’ve slowly been trying to get back into the reading swing, so when someone suggested cutting out before bed screen time and grabbing a book instead, it seemed like a good trade. It’s now become part of my routine to turn off the tv, plug in my phone, and read a chapter or two of my latest book once I get into bed instead of watching videos like I used to. While I’m not sure the new routine has helped so much in keeping me asleep through the night, it has helped bulk up my finished reading list! 


- I’ve never been much of a melatonin enthusiast. I tried to take it once a few years ago in an effort to combat jet lag but don’t really remember it doing all that much for me. To be honest, I didn’t try this until late in my attempts and was pretty much fixed by then, but I was more than willing to see if my reaction to it has changed. Ya know what? It hasn’t. I took melatonin for two nights in a row and neither night did I feel like it made me sleepier than if I had just not taken it at all. I know a lot of people swear by melatonin, and if it works for you, godspeed, but for me, it didn’t seem to make much of a difference.

No Naps

- Easily the toughest suggestion for me by far. I love naps. I’ve loved naps since high school when I had long ass musical practices, through college between classes and my evening job, to now when I just need a break from living for an hour or two. Naps are my shit. BUT! For the sake of my sanity and fixing my sleep schedule, I decided to go nap free. The first day…it was rough. After not having slept well the night before, not napping seemed impossible, but I discovered the only way to keep from drifting off was to stay busy. So I helped with dinner, I did a load of dishes, I wrote some of a blog post. By the time it was what I deemed a reasonable time for bed, I was practically asleep before I hit the pillow. I didn’t wake up once before my alarm went off so, as much as it pains me, not napping was a major success.

Getting Sick

- I have a confession. While I did try out the other things on this list and had varying success, I think the real reason I was able to kick my insomnia is because I ended up getting sick. Not long after my post I came down with a mighty cold. That thing knocked me on my ass for days. I was in bed and asleep by 9pm multiple nights in a row. My alarm doesn’t go off until 9:30am so I was sleeping 11 to 12 hours straight! After that happened, my body seemed to recalibrate itself and I stopped waking up for hours in the middle of the night. The relief of regularly sleeping through the night again has been immense and I hope it stays this way.

Now, I realize that at the end of the day, getting sick was a surprisingly happy accident that really helped my body get back to normal after three weeks of sleepless struggle. The other suggestions, while useful in their own ways, didn’t necessarily help me conquer my inability to stay asleep through the night and I think I know why. I was STRESSED, ya’ll. What? Stress, you say? Believe it. I was having new work stresses and it’s amazing how much the simplest of stresses can royally fuck you up. My husband told me he could see me sleeping better the day the main work stressor I was facing was finally dealt with.


So all I’m saying is, take care of yourselves. Getting stressed and can’t sleep because of it? Find some ways to mellow. Listen to a podcast or your favorite album, read a book, write all your intrusive and loud thoughts in a notebook on your night stand. If that stuff doesn’t work, look into melatonin and see if it’s a good option for you. Need more ideas on how to relieve insomnia? Check out The Book of Sleep and let me know what strategies work best for you!

And to everyone who made suggestions in my time of need….ya’ll are the real MVPs and I love you!